Working Through Covid-19
If you are like me, the outlook and expectation for 2020 was not even close to what it has become. Socially, the new way of life is something out of the movies. Where else but in some “other” dramatic movie would you see wearing masks as daily part on one’s life. This is no movie and the tragic loss of life and the burden to many lives is real. The loss of income, the loss of community in some respects, is a toll on many levels. How do we keep some sense of normalcy? The answer is not to keep part of what we used to do, but to adjust to these obstacles and view them as new challenges and turn them into better ways to conduct our lives both personal and business wise.
I feel extremely fortunate to have the ability and position to keep working from home as the Sales Manager for A-Laser. Our support of those industries that were deemed “essential” during the shelter in place allows us to now expand our reach as the economy opens and restrictions relax. We count our blessings and move forward while keeping those who are less fortunate in our thoughts and offering support as best one can. I am nervous and somewhat anxious to what the rest of 2020 and 2021 will look like? How can I keep focused and what tasks will keep the revenue stream and the funnel filled with opportunities?
What you did for success prior to Covid-19 is going to play a big part in your growth for 2020 and into 2021. Listed are tips that I hope may help:
- Create a workspace. I have two, one in the living room, one in the kitchen (for when the distractions are too great).
- Go over your agenda for each day, then relax and go for it.
- Call your customers. Ask them how they are doing? How is life where they are located? How are their family and co-workers? Sincere interest is reciprocated.
- Use the online web meeting portals like Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Meeting Room. Remember to dress business casual.
- Use tools like Linkedin. This is a good way to follow customers and ask them to follow you.
- When you make contact, ask your customers what is now their preferred way to communicate? Is there a better time and day they are available?
- If you continue to be persistent in your communication, the doors will become open and stay open so remain positive and flexible.
As many of us are working from home, the environment for us is an adjustment. Keep in mind it is an adjustment for your contacts too. The distractions that we used to leave behind every day are there to add to our work environment. As you reach out to customers and other colleagues. Give them the benefit of the doubt when they seem distracted or short on time. Good relationships can be made great and great ones are an asset.
May you all remain safe and healthy.

About the Author
Joe has been part of the A-Laser team for over 10 years and has extensive experience with laser cutting technology, sales, and customer service. Joe was born and raised in San Jose, CA and has resided with his family in Gilroy, CA since 1997. The unique projects he gets to learn about and the industries they support, keep everyday new! His hobbies include photography, he is a member of the Morgan Hill Photography Club, hiking, model building and collecting vintage camping lanterns and stoves. His favorite places include Mount Lassen Volcanic National Park, Portland OR, and Boston MA.