Custom Laser Cut Stainless Steel Parts
High-quality precision parts for your next design.
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We provide a wide array of manufacturing and engineering services.
Laser Cutting Stainless Steel
Laser technology, specifically the 1064nm and 355nm wavelengths that A-Laser employs for laser cutting stainless steel, has created some extremely vital and critical parts like shims, stencils, screen filters and medical components. With every project having a unique set of objectives, it is important to be flexible in our manufacturing approach. Seemingly simple parts like shims play such a vital role in their use. With tolerances being held to a +/- .001 to .002” and cut from thicknesses ranging from .001” to .025” thick, these tools are being used in industries to complete mechanical assemblies in numerous applications. Such applications are supporting projects including electron guns, vacuum processes, medical devices and being held to tolerances of +/- .001” to .002”.
Stainless Steel Industry Applications
Stencils, sometimes referred to as micro stencils or BGA stencils, are used in applications to apply solder paste in the re-work of components, as well as Thermal Evaporation/Vapor Deposition processes. Stainless steel processed via laser is an optimal method for these critical applications. Tooling used needs to be accurate and uniform so applications can keep the internal production process moving forward. The walls of the openings need to remain smooth and burr free. The laser’s ability to cut 1 part or thousands, allows for R&D to quickly progress, while being able to scale up.
There are numerous ways we use screen filters in our daily lives like in the clothes dryer, coffee machines and HVAC. They keep particles from clogging up and lowering the device performance. In industry use, screen filters manufactured out of stainless steel are often the material of choice and needed for the rigidity and ability to withstand long term use. With critical dimensions needed to be held, laser manufactured screen filters are the desired choice for many applications. Uniformity again is a requirement of the screens themselves. Laser technology allows for this repeating of features and tolerance of +/- .001” to .002” mils. The environments that these filters are being used require a longer life span and reliable performance.
With ever growing advances and ways of thinking outside the box, medical device companies are always seeking the best ways to provide medical care professionals the foremost in applied technology. Laser cut parts are continuing to provide that avenue for mechanical engineers. A-Laser has had the opportunity to provide services supporting cardiac surgery as part of a “staplegun” mechanism. This minimal non-invasive device sped up recovery and diminished patient discomfort. In life sciences, mechanical shutters used in research to control mosquito populations and bio-testing research in micro-fluidics, both in R&D and production runs in part of Covid-19 testing.
Grades & Characteristics
Such a versatile material and available in numerous grades, like 302,304,17-7 and in different tempers like HH (half-hard), FH (Full Hard), stainless steel is often the only choice for industry because of its strength, non-corrosive nature, and availability. As a service provider, I see many opportunities to support projects in very early concept stages, to ones already in production, but seeking a more consistent method of manufacturing. Please let us know how we can help.
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Learn more about industrial applications of laser cut stainless steel parts, including shims, medical components, screen filters, and more.